At the stroke of the brush, the ink shall drop, lines and curves, the letters shall flow out, in ten directions, in ten languages they shall flow, they shall expand they shall grow.
The students of Sir J. J. Institute of Applied Art presented a magnificent event – Aksharodaya. The alphabets of ten different Indian scripts were illustrated on a larger than life canvas. Like the sunrise, each script grew and spread its energy to illuminate the people present.

Launch of Aksharaya website
Team Aksharaya, in its endeavor towards spreading the spirit of letter consciousness decide to establish its network online. The website was introduced in Marathi by Prof. Santosh Kshirsagar and in English by Miss. Sanhita Paradhkar at the Typography Day 2010 event hosted by Sir J.J. Institute of Applied Art, Mumbai. They summarized the
approach, the activities and the focus of the organization. The audience, including some prominent personalities from the industry, were given a prelude to AKSHARAYA and a large blank sheet was circulated among the ‘letter’ enthusiasts to express their thoughts about this initiative and encourage the organization.